Person of the Year 2020: Frontline Heroes
Confronted with the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, members of the natural products community joined healthcare medical workers to stand in front, making every effort to fortify and heal our nation, our world. Here, we recognize and honor those efforts.
Thank YOU. You are our heroes. Thank you to the healthcare practitioners who dove into the challenge of fighting a virus they knew very little about. Thank you to the natural products retailers who fought to keep their doors open so a worried public could access the products that help support a healthy immune system. Thank you to the manufacturers and suppliers who ensured that those products remained available while also assisting with production and distribution of medical supplies and desperately needed products. And to so many others—the first responders, the letter carriers and delivery drivers, the sanitation workers, all those who set out to make a difference day after day we thank you. On these pages, some of heroes who are serving on the frontlines of this pandemic share their fears, struggles, motivations, and lessons learned.